It was with great sadness that I heard the news about Vernon's passing. Although expected, these things always come as a shock.
I feel myself very privileged to have known Vernon for over 45 years both as friend and racing competitor, He was without doubt one of the greatest Clubman's racing drivers of all times, but more important than that, a true sportsman.
Memories off the track include pot holing, cycling, swimming and skiing with him - wearing his racing 'Tricenteral' jacket and his GB hat.
Two endearing thoughts I have of him, firstly a mammoth 2 day Clubmans trip down to Negaro on the Spanish border in the early 80's, he was on pole and I was third on the grid, We both broke our halfshafts on the line, I was absolutely totally devastated, where as Vernon just looked me in the eye and just said "That's motor racing boyo"
My other memory is when we both had our 1600 Holbay engines rebuilt and I rang him to boast how much power mine had got, which was 155hp. And I remember him saying good, So I assumed his would be more powerful. When I asked him how much power he had got he said 154. I then asked him why he was pleased? And he replied in typical Vernon fashion, "When I beat you! I'll know I'm a better driver than you" A typical comment from a great man. Vernon Davies.
Our thoughts are very much with his two daughters Carolone and Andrea, and his devoted wife Daphne. Not forgetting his life long friend and race mechanic Claud.
One foundest memory is at Brands where a load of us invaded a chinese, Vernon chose the cheapest dish on the menu, special rice and refused to accept this was not a meal, stating he had it all the time from his local take away. When it arrived, a dish of rice with a few peas scattered in it he was not best pleased but refused to order more. We all kept giving some of our dishes and one was some chilly pawns. Vernon said he loved pawns and quickly ate 3 or 4. Almost at once he bald head erupted in beads of sweat and not matter how often he wiped them off they kept returning the whole night.
On track his driving skill was next to none and regularly overcame equipment and money problems.