Thanks to all who attended the meeting. The following is the summary of the conclusions ;
1. 2011 Calendar
14 rounds, preferred as 7 double headers to be chosen from
Silverstone, Donington, Cadwell, Rockingham, Pembrey, Thruxton, Brands and Snetterton (not in order). Mallory to be avoided.
In 2012 Oulton rather than Cadwell / Croft rather than Pembrey.
2. Race Format.
All meetings should be 2 qualifying, 2 race format. 15 mins qualifying and 20 mins (or equivalent laps) race. If this raises entry fees beyond a £30 premium, races to be 15 mins (or equivalent laps).
At one event in 2011 an experimental one qualifying, 3 race format to be trialled with race 3 having a reverse grid. Preferred venue Silverstone, Snetterton or Donington.
A debate regarding race length being measured in laps rather than minutes was inconclusive with equal votes for each.
3. Tyre contract
Agreed we should approve the sole use of the current control Dunlops again. Best price to be negotiated. There will be no rebate to the Register in future.
4. A proposal was received from Shell Racing Solutions ref title sponsorship. This was given due consideration and rejected on the grounds of excessive cost to the competitors for questionable benefit.
5. A proposal was received to open Proto class to production based engines up to 2 litres, naturally aspirated with a maximum power of 220 bhp. Effectively a ‘libre’ engine concept. Maximum 5 speed gearbox, unless motorcycle derived, then 6 speed. This is open to cars of all enveloping or traditional clubmans body types.
This was overwhelmingly approved on the grounds it is felt necessary to encourage cars out into Proto with Vauxhall, Ford or motorcycle engines.
6. Standing Committee nominations to be ratified at the AGM are
Gareth Salter, Howard Payne, Peter Richings (c/o from 2010) plus Dan Gibson if he is prepared to (he was not in attendance at the meeting). An additional volunteer was Russ Munns (to be confirmed as he was not in attendance at the meeting)
These notes are my own record as meeting chairman. Anyone with a different interpretation is welcome to contact me.
Peter Richings 23/10/2010
Attendees; P Richings (chairman), B Webb, P Freeman, H Payne, G Salter, A Champkin, J Champkin, A Avery, A Lester, P Allen, I Mitchell, C Burnham, P Burnham and C Wood.
Is this to wind me up Peter,
What as happened to Croft!!!! Last Vauxhall engines produced 235BHP!!!! Does anybody know what they are doing!!!! The fact I didn't want an engine change,and have spent an enormus amount of time and effort for the club on this, I will be considering my optios carefully, on how to procede!!!
Regards Paul
PS I would have prefered consultation on dates of this meeting rather just blindly going on!!
Sorry, outsider here, again. I thought that you were in favour of allowing Vauxhall engines back in & presumably this would be the most likely option?
Surely the regs can be framed so that they are the same as the original Vauxhall Supersports engines (weren't they originally about 190 Bhp?), ie the same regs as used by Monoposto in their "Classic Class" now. If someone does want to fit a Duratec then they could be to the same spec as Sports 2000 engines and if someone wants to fit a Zetec or Toyota etc then, again, could not the Monoposto engine regs be used. They seem to limit power effectively to about 180-190 Bhp.
Just a thought. I probably ought to bu66er off now.