I have just been alerted to the fact that in its infinite wisdom, the MSA Race Committee has decided to amend J.5.14.3 to the effect that all cars except Racing Cars [a defined term] will have to carry brake lights wef 1 January 2011.
The current reg says .'racing cars..' and the lack of capital letters [R and C] is critical.
Thus for 2011 the requirements catch Sports Racing Cars as well because we do not fit the definition of 'Racing Cars'.
There may be an exception for cars of certain Periods as defined but I suspect that it will catch Classic Clubmans as well.
Quite what purpose this will serve is beyond me as the original 5.14.3 was aimed squarely at road cars that were competing in motor sports and was aimed at DfT Statutory compliances.
Hey ho.If as I do you feel that the rulemakers in this instance are ridiculous, feel free to write and tell them so.I am thinking about suggesting that we must all give mandatory hand signals as well.
On a serious note, I suggest that you do not buy anything with bulbs but rather use LED type lights; you can get trailer versions for about £30....
If I have to fit them to the Classic, I'll be looking out for some contemporary Lucas brake lights and a switch. They don't make 'em like they used to........
On a serious note can't we have this rule as an exception withn our own regulations (setion 5.4 - GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND EXCEPTIONS) ? or can we ask the MSA that this rule should not apply to Sports Racing Cars ?