Congratulations to Mark Charteris on his new "A" Class lap record at Cadwell Park last weekend of 1min.28.417, beating the record set by Mike Evans in 2009 of 1min.29.046.
Race winner Peter Harper's F/L of 1min.28.433 was also under the record.
Anthony Denham got within less than 2/hundredths of the "A" record in qualifying along with Spencer McCarthy who got within 4/10ths of the "B" record in qualifying.
Eat your heart out Bernie. Ed'
Very well done Mark, it must have been spectacular.
But you would know nothing about it from Autospurt - no report at all on the Classic Clubmans race, the only one of the ten races to be ignored. Fortunately Malcolm gets a well-deserved mention in the news pages on his return to the series.
K-Sport didn't fare much better at Pembrey either - who is this Jimmy Ardley, builder of the Mallock-Beagle?
I don't understand why anyone buys Autosport - apart from Marcus Pye it has no interest in grass-roots motorsport and costs too much. MotorSport News is better for their race reports although they do suffer from being all-things-to-all-men. How about offering a Club Journalist a regular guest drive - I bet that would improve our publicity. Ed'
Jimmy Ardley - isn't he in Last of the Summer Wine...?
As for our beloved weekly mags - I never buy MN these days - it is too expensive being printed on bog paper (I remember when it was 6d.....!)
Autosport is useless for club motor sport but does still provide moderate international coverage. Now in the good old days when I wrote for them.........
Essentially, Journalists are lazy so you have to feed them things. If there was something as newsworthy as the new lap records etc did someone take responsibility to send Autosport & MN a press release first thing on monday morning?
Thank you all for your kind words re lap record. i have in fact spoken to Peter Scherer in the past about our very limited publicised reports,he explained to me that he has a limited number of words to use for each meeting,but i guess he ran up to his limit with regard to our Classic race!!! seems a shame since most observers agreed that it was the race of the day.There was good close racing through out the field, Peter Harper and I crossed the line 0.5 sec apart !!! ( I will get him soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!! )see you all at Brands
Congratulations to Mark Charteris on his new "A" Class lap record at Cadwell Park last weekend of 1min.28.417, beating the record set by Mike Evans in 2009 of 1min.29.046.
Mark's point a per pro the length of reports is accurate. I noted when reading the report that Pete Scherer was the reporter and we know that he is (a) alert to such matters at events generally and (b) a 'friend of Clubmans'. He is sent to 'x' meeting with a brief to provide a maximum number of words for the whole event and editorial management at Haymarket then takes over the rest. It used to be scissors or a marker pen, now it's just 'cut' courtesy of Microsoft...
There ought in theory to be scope for a magazine that is limited to national ['club'?] motorsport as there is a potential circulation of about 20,000 licence holders to take that up.However I very much doubt it would be an acceptable fiscal model for investment..
That said we could probably do more to exploit our established contacts...
I saw Pete at Cadwell for a brief chat, he said he was there for Autosport to report on Legends, FF2000 and FF1600. So maybe they do dictate what he will report on ?
Oh and well done indeed Mark despite the narrow lanes of Cadwell hopefully none of us got in the way of your hot pursuit, I was lucky you passed me on the straight. It is mighty impressive to see two drivers totaly committed and racing hard against each other and still be able to navigate the back markers safely which builds trust in all of us.
Personally I think Pete and Mark are going too fast...I do live in hope because in 2008 they were 2 seconds faster than me, now they are only 1 second faster then me..Maybe they are getting slower in their old age!!
Brag a bit, pretend you won / were faster / should have won, ...mention your lovely sponsors (?!), ...mechanics, ...lovers, ......anybody else you know, - tailor make your excuses - add loads of lovely pictures of your car/bird/someone else's bird - perfect DIY "driver pleasing" race reports!!
Marcus Pie eat your heart out!
I vote for AndyY as the "nigel roebuck" - all this time he spends posting could be so much better spent! (buy a Clubmans car Yeomans - you know you need one!)