Don't think you would have got them at Croft anyway Russ. When I spoke with HP Tyres they aren't at all the rounds, I seem to remember the next one they are at is Brands, although someone may correct me. I have some very VERY old castle cut wets you can have if you're really deperate.
I think in the light of the news from Phillip ref lack of Dunlop supply it would be difficult to enforce the rules ref Dunlop wets, until they are able to supply.
Jamie will have to confirm as the legal eagle, but it sounds like 'force majeur' to me.
Please note that Dunlop/HP support very few of our meetings. It's best to assume that they will not be in attendance unless otherwise communicated.
Hi all just back to this thread, if Dunlop cannot sell them we cannot enforce rule as Peter says. Therefore Russ [et al] until supply is sorted you can use the old Avon as an alternative. Jamie
According to Dunlop the wets should be available by the end of the month or just after; allow for the May Day Holiday and try then; in other words if available for Pembrey then we are back to the Regs!