I'm sorry to report that the ever enthusiastic Clubmans racer Steve Clamp is unwell and is about to start an arduous treatment regime.
He has his beloved Drat and Penfold cars in his workshop at home so he can tinker with them which must also be therapeutic.
I know he'd be pleased to hear from any of his many friends in the Clubmans fraternity - you will find his email address above.
Pete, many thanks for posting this, and thanks to everyone who has been wishing me well.
Starting with a bit of good news I have plans in place to be spectating at Donnington on Sunday with Tom as my "Minder" - even if it's only for one race - it will be good to see as many of you as possible but your racing comes first!
Now the less than good bit; which sensitive people and those of a nervous disposition may wish to ignore!
Brief History
Following pneumonia and pleurisy early February, continuing pain resulted in an ultrasound scan and on 8th March 2019 I was told I had secondary cancer of the liver – primary source not known.
Fast forward three weeks
Following a biopsy the primary site was indicated as the tail of the pancreas. I was able to get onto a couple of Research Trials at Addenbrookes and numerous tests, meetings and palliative meds later, but no chemo yet, I was assessed and confirmed and signed-up.
Fast forward to 10th May 2019
On comparing CT scans it looked like neither site had changed much and without any treatment things looked good. Four days later 15th May 2019 and the devastating news was delivered that due to increased liver function indicators no treatment was possible, no trial chemo, no standard chemo, nothing – just continuing palliative care! Prognosis reduced from 12 months with treatment to 12 weeks. Melt down and anger across the Family.
Present position
The palliative care is doing a great job and I am better and fitter than I was two months ago and maintaining a level of activity I could not have imagined in March.
Looking forward to see as many of you as possible on Sunday.