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Class designator letter

Hi Jamie just been trying to put CSP2 after my race number but ran out of nose cone!!
Do you know what we should put for this year?

Re: Class designator letter

Rod, the regulations state;

"Cars will display CSP 1,2 or 3, whichever is appropriate,
adjacent to each competition number using decals supplied by the Clubmans Register."

Not sure if any decals will be made available for Croft

Re: Class designator letter

OK thanks Pete. Since we are all CSP couldn't that have just been a 1,2 or 3

Re: Class designator letter

Good point :-)

Re: Class designator letter

Why not P1, P2 & P3? thats how LMP was shortened to in le man prototype?

Re: Class designator letter

Or perhaps C1, C2, C3 to reflect Clubmans?

Re: Class designator letter

Hello, I've been away a few days.

Clearly the Regs could do with a change in that regard and we can do that and perhaps C1 etc might be helpful and certainly shorter than the Published Regs, although I quite like Steve's idea as well!

If we say we are going to do something such as have the labels available we ought to do it. I would expect that Andy Marshall who works with Dave Beecroft our tech' rep' might be able to sort that as he does supply graphics and at reasonable cost.

Thanks for starting the thread Rod', comm's have been a bit hide and seek until last week, but if any CSP2 Reps have matters they wish to check or raise then please contact me on or on One of a number of phones are relevant: 07880 965001 or 01386 871788, if I am not there then please leave a message or ask Tracy to get me to call you back.


Re: Class designator letter

Agree that C1, C2, C3 marked on the cars makes sense as it takes up less space, although we hope that the BARC program will label us: Clubmans Sports Prototypes, CSP1 (C1), CSP2 (C2), CSP3 (C3)...

I dropped the ball on ordering the stickers, but it is in progress now, so fingers crossed we'll get them in time.

Re: Class designator letter

Does this mean that the "blobs" issued at Croft are temporary?

Re: Class designator letter

Does this mean that the "blobs" issued at Croft are temporary?

Incidentally, would the average spectator be a bit confused by James having red, CSP2, blobs on his car while running in CSP1? The class markings should indicate which class someone is running in and not the exact technical specification of their car IMHO.

Re: Class designator letter

I agree with Brian.

The car you are driving may well be a CSP2 car but should be identified as which class you are getting point for.

Re: Class designator letter

correct otherwise pointless...