I've heard that some poor misguided soul has suggested that the Register committee members had their hotel rooms paid for by the Register at last weekend's Dinner-Dance. That is wrong - we all paid the same as anyone else for our rooms AND tickets.
I warmly commend the board members and helpers who do all this work for us without any perks and without any of their expenses being paid. We are very lucky.
As Treasurer I can confirm that no committee members had their rooms or tickets paid for. Board members and helpers put their own time and effort into organising and planning the dinner dance, and were extended no 'benefits' other than the opportunity to take advantage of the early bird discount prices for tickets that were available to all.
I am also aware that some of the organising team incurred expenses and costs arranging elements of the Dinner Dance that have no intention of seeking reimbursement for.
As always, the figures for the Dinner Dance will be included in the annual accounts report for all to see.