The DD is already at a record high so it's going to be a great evening.
For those of you that have enough energy left the next morning, you are welcome to join me on a moderate walk in the incredible nearby area called the Long Mynd. Stopping off halfway round for a pub lunch.(Same as last year)
The walk will start approx 15 miles south of the DD. Collect in the hotel car park 10.15 to leave at 10.30.
Final instructions,
The walk will start at the top end of the gliding club, Grid ref SY66TA. No official car park so will have to park neatly off the road. For those wanting a more leasurly day they could cheat and just meet usin the pub. The Green Dragon at Little Stretton. SY6 6RE. Which is halfway round the walk. A few people have said they are coming. Chris isproviding the rations.
Hope the weather is as good as it is now.
Many thanks to Sue and Richard for organising last Sunday's 7+ mile walk. Following a 2 minute "Remembrance" silence by us all at the start of the walk we set off down a delightful valley for a pub lunch, then back up-hill (felt like a mountain actually!) with outstanding views of several counties, before arriving back at our cars at dusk. As we returned to our cars parked next to a gliding club, we were entertained by the gliders returning "home" just above our heads. A wonderful day's walking in glorious weather, with probably the friendliest racing club members in the world.