Where are you Brigadier - you're not on the entries for Brands and Dad said you'd be there? Lots of competition for you with a really strong and healthy grid to compete against.
Just sent my entry to Nicola this morning Chris.
Let's hope Wonderboy can gift me another win!
Does anyone have a spare transponder I can borrow, my father has generously donated it to someone?
Judging by the post race 'exchange' between the officious BARC timing lady and my father at Rockingham, I believe I may be on their blacklist!
Gordon Benet! Barry Webb in the internet?! On the Forum!??! A sad day for Luddites everywhere .... Must dash, have just been to,d I can't park here ....
Barry, you are a star, or at least a silver surfer star!
Yes the timing woman appeared in park ferme gripping a large pair of clippers, I did think she was going to castrate me with them.
So far as me gifting Borat's transponder, me think he forgets that I own the cars and spend de money, so if I have given them to my favorite charity then that's my biz?