Wow, what a fantastic Rockingham event. Pete Richings has summed up the weekened splendidly and I simply want to add how much I'm enjoying looking after you all.
The surroundings may not be the best that we turn up to, but the track makes up for all of that. I get knackered there with the treks backwards and forwards to Race Control, pits, parc-ferme, and BARC's office but the ability to use the podium and general good-will from the officials, plus sunshine and stunning racing makes it all very worth-while.
I'd like to add to Pete's congratulations for Alex who, not content with clinching the Cup championship in race one, then sets consecutive lap records across the two races. I was also delighted that my mate Phil Weaver came alive on Sunday with an honest 2nd place in Cup and, as usual Marcus entertaining us all, on and off track, with his infectious enthusiasm.
Thank you one and all - I just love the Clubmans formulae.
Wow, great write-up in Autosport today. It just takes a good ding dong at the front of the race to get the commentators and the journalists excited. This is the sort of promotion we need, getting written up ahead of BMWs, Formula Renault and Clios, looking like a dynamic, vibrant and modern formula. Thank goodness for Proto and for Onno to make such an entertaining race... I'm TOLD it was entertaining and it certainly felt so from where I was sitting.
Clubmans organisation is at a high. Tea corner, all day food, pub dinner and award ceremony all immaculately organised. We're on a bit of a high thanks to all those that make such an effort. Bit of challenge replicating this on the track, but last weekend we achieved it.
Me too please Marcus - as a pensioner life is difficult living on the breadline, so Autosport is a luxery I do without. That said, my Swiss and Cayman investments seem to be doing quite well. H'
Oh Chris, you are such a champ. I have been wondering how to raise the subject, but now that you have mentioned your offshore investments I hope you don't mind me being a bit cheeky. I shall be competing in the Cayman Sports GP at the Lake View Raceway (George Town)Cayman Islands on April 1st next year. I am short of the airflight and shipping, but £12,000 should do it. Prime sponsorship position for Christopher Hart International Developments Inc., of course. Then there's the Course de Côte de Ayent-Anzère in Switzerland if you can stretch to it. I both cases I hope you and some other Clubbies will join me.
Yours, empoverished by two years of sorting out a Proto car,
My scanner is on the blink but I won't forget to do it. Pete Richings scanned the text, which is as follows. The photo is good though too.
Champkin take Clubmans
crown with podium finish
only driver to seal a championship
at Rockingham, as third place in race
one was enough for Alex Champkin
to take the Clubmans title.
Poleman Marcus Bicknell spun his
Mallock Mk35 on the opening lap at
Gracelands, giving Onno Zuidema’s
Mk20 the lead.
Zuidema seemed on course for
victory until he came to a smoky
stop mid-race, meaning Chris
Pickering’s Mk27 took over.
But he struggled with worn-out
tyres and gearbox troubles and
dropped to fourth.
Therefore it was Bicknell who
completed a remarkable recovery
to grab the victory, with ‘Brigadier
Borat’ second, ahead of Champkin.
Bicknell started race two seventh
but by the penultimate lap he was
hounding poleman Zuidema for the
lead. The pair switched places several
times until Bicknell gifted Zuidema
when he went straight on at Deene.
l Stephen Lickorish
RESULTS (BOTH 12 LAPS) 1 Marcus Bicknell
(Mallock Mk35 EB Honda S2000); 2 ‘Brigadier
Borat’ (Mallock Mk27) +8.037s; 3 Alex Champkin
(Vision V84); 4 Chris Pickering (Mallock Mk27
EBX); 5 Steve Everson (Mallock Mk28 EB MG
Rover K 1800); 6 Peter Richings (Mallock
Mk30PR). Class winners ‘Borat’; Alan Cook
(Mallock Mk20B/21); Brian Hunter (Mallock
Mk16). FL Bicknell 1m23.650s (83.49mph).
RACE 2 1 Onno Zuidema (Mallock Mk20);
2 Champkin +7.993s; 3 Bicknell; 4 Phil Weaver
(Mallock Mk28/30); 5 Richings; 6 ‘Borat’.
CW Bicknell; Cook; Hunter. FL Bicknell
1m22.803s (84.34mph).