Assuming my father has not dismantled the racecar (again!), I should be able to make a suitable mobile chicane for Alex when he comes to lap me!
On that note, does anyone have any used slicks that they want to sell/offload, mine are now 2 years old and may as well be made out of wood?
Looking forward to seeing the Clubmans brigade again.
p.s. Beware, last time I raced at Rockingham, I hit a stationary tyre wall......
Good to see you there, i can't help you with tyres as mine are older (3years)
Just bought some new tyres so hope to have them on rims before Rockingham.
See you next week!
Be gentle??? Haha, the only place not to be gentle with you is on track!! You're hard to handle on the paddock so don't expect anything from us on track! :-)
Good to see you after 2 years!
If you're doing the testday on friday you'll have more miles at Rockingham than me, just found out that my tyres are to late in Holland so have to pick them up at HP before entering Rockingham so no time for me to do some testing.
Need to bed the new brakepads, brakedisks and scrub the tyres in at the first quali then so be aware at a slow Dutchman in first laps at quali folks!