Hi Sean. Interesting buy, that's the car that was on e-b recently I think ?
It would probably help to have some pics of the chassis sans bodywork.
It looks as though it may be an ex F1300 car from 750 m/c, there were plenty of one off specials built in period for that formula. One thing I'm pretty sure it is not a Haggispeed.
Good luck with the history and the build !
Hi Tony, You are correct another flea-bay purchase of mine.
I really like it, And before i do something stupid like stick a bike engine in it i'd like know if it's something worth rebuilding back to as original condition as possible.
I'll get some pics of the bare frame as i think the body has been added to over the years.
The thing that makes me think it's some thing different than a home built racer is the front has a separate subframe. Apart from one arm each side attaching to the main frame the rest mounts on a front subframe.
My simple brain tells me this would be to turn around a quickly damaged front end.
Not something i've seen on other cars, But i'm not really up to speed and this might be fairly common.
I'll post up some pic's that might explain it better.
Thanks for taking the time Tony, Really appreciate it, Info on cars of this era are locked in the heads of old school racer's and not on the internet so any info to discover what it is is really helpful.
Richard Scott was the designer and builder of Centaurs. He would be the most likely person to tell you if your car was a Centaur. His address and telephone are:-
Thank you Ian, There has been a bit of a turn around on this one..........
Every time i go back and look at it it keeps going back to an earlier year.
After hours of studying Mallock frames, I'm just about 100% this is an early MK4 or MK5.
Sue has kindly sent me pics of frames of that period and it sits somewhere in that time frame. I have a pic of a MK3 & of a MK6 and mine has elements of both in it.
It would have originally been a split swing axel car, When i do some digging around on the frame i can see the old braze marks from the cut off supports at the front end.
The rear axel is wrong ( standard not cut down version ), In fact a lot of it wrong.
What i did not appreciate was how much these cars where added to over there life and only when you go back to the basic stuff does it all start to make sense.