Just back from a fantastic Cadwell race despite the rain. Commentators Ian Titchmarsh and David Addison were breathless afterwards with both the "A"s and "B"s having fantastic dices and place swapping. Congratulations to Spencer for his first pole first time out in "A" and the eventual last lap win by Mark coming back from fourth on the grid. The "B"s were covered by a handkerchief throughout the race with eventual winner (and "B" pole) Paul Marshall eventually taking the chequer first despite three spins! A wonderful advert for Clubmans racing - thanks guys, and thanks ladies for feeding us all so royally.
Despite the weather and the fact that Cadwell is not the easiest track to get to, I was truly delighted to see just how many supporters came along to enjoy the racing and the banter in the paddock. With so many eager and willing helpers, the marquee and banners, food, tables and chairs etc were all ready for action well in advance, and the donated catering was superb. Thank you to all that helped in so many ways to make the day a great success. Given the often chilly wind and driving rain, Peter Burnham's urn was a true star attraction. Thanks for the generous loan of this, Peter.
I have to say that the track conditions were a true test on what is already a narrow and challenging track. Standing water, oil and mud added to the level of difficulty, and the driving standards have to be applauded for each and every person out there. I'd like to add my congratulations to those that took podium places in such a hard-fought race which was clearly a joy to watch. Shame I could only see a wall of spray for most of it from where I was sitting!
Let's go for a repeat performance at Croft, but with some sunshine please!