Now, please don’t shoot me down in flames and remember our leader (Sven) has stated that he will delete bad mannered replies……………………..
During the AGM I heard that there is a real worry about the continual supply of new Rover engines as Paul has had to buy some £6000 (2 engines) as backup. As I remember it we have used the Rover engine for some 16/17 years now? Pete has also said we don’t want to have to hunt around scrap yards for parts.
So is it time to plan using a new engine (at some time in the not too distant future), if so why don’t we look at Ford Ecoboost
Thanks Andy.....I think you probably over state the issue ref the K series. We do have a couple of complete new engines plus a fair amount of spares, so I don't think we have a problem in the short term.
Also its's probably not the right financial climate to suggest a new engine, as it's not just the base engine cost to consider - there's dry sump kit, bellhousing, exhaust, electrical harness, etc to consider. Plus some items need an investment in tooling. When we converted to the K series our sponsor RDS paid the tooling for the bellhousing and dry sump and carried out the engineering work.
There are a number of really interesting high efficiency engines coming available now (all turbocharged) and the Ford is one of them. Do look closely where the exhaust and turbocharger are located.....we really need one which exits on the left side of the engine......
As a medium term project I agree that the Standing Committee ought to take a look at this.
Adrian Lester and I have two Rover K engines, race ready, so one is for sale. I'm sure others who have converted to Proto must have Ks knocking about. I would have thought anyone wanting a different engine would go to Proto.
Mr MB, I don't want a different engine, I was only reacting to the message I heard at the AGM relating to the purchase of spares/engines as it was stated that they are now not in manufacture..........
Other than that do you have a pump I can shove down my well at home as it looks like we are in for a hosepipe ban
Don't you just love people who pre-empt their excuses? AL has now given us the reasons for the un-washed car/truck/lurve wagen at this year's events...