At today's AGM the Board and all members attending approved the following;
I will now assume responsibility for administering the Forum. Chris Hart has done this for many years and has asked to step down - thanks Harty for all your hard work.
It was agreed that the following will apply in future to encourage all members to use the Forum for its intended purpose - for communication within the club, to ask questions, to make constructive suggestions, ask for help, etc. Not to make personal attacks, use bad language or be generally unpleasant. We are all in the Register to enjoy racing and work together - please reflect this in the Forum.
Next weekend I intend to delete the existing threads so we can start anew. I will also change the password - so please e mail me requesting the new password. This will not be restricted to existing Register members but non members will be asked why they wish to participate.
I ask you to post under your real name (no pseudonyms please) and include your e mail address. Anyone not complying will have their posting removed.
No abuse or bad language - I will remove any postings not complying.
Please note these are not my rules - they were agreed by the Board and every attendee at the AGM.
Incidentally, the AGM was a successful meeting. We now have a new Chairman in Steve Chaplin and Clive Wood is deputy. Here's to a new and exciting era for Clubmans.
Hi Pete,
Don't want to step on any toes here, but why not have the forum completely open? Aren't you trying to encourage more people to join the formula, and one of the first things a new comer will want to do is ask questions about the formula, or the cars or how much it costs etc..etc...
As soon as there's a block in place like having to email someone to get a password IMO it's an immediate bad vibe, as if the whole formula is a clique.
This forum software is also really really dated, as is the look of the whole site really, Hazel and I spent a lot of time a few years ago putting together a modern, slick forum but for some unknown reason it got wiped, along with all the posts on it.
Feel free to mail me and discuss in more detail if you like :)
Don't like want this post to take any credit away from Chris, he's done some great work with keeping this up to date and going for the last few years, but with Chris stepping down, perhaps now is the right time to refresh it?