In memory of Vernon Davies, a Memorial Trophy bearing has name has been instigated. This Trophy will be awarded to the Driver of the Meeting as judged by the Driving Standards Officer, in his/her entire discretion, at all events at Pembrey circuit.
There will be a single trophy judged across all classes that are racing except that -in the future-where Classic and Cup Classes are both at the event, there will be a trophy awarded for each of Classic and Cup.
The trophies will be for permanent retention by the recipient [in other words new trophies specific to each annual event held will be acquired and presented at those subsequent events].
The first such award will be made this coming weekend when Daphne Davies and their daughter Caroline will be present on the Sunday and will make the presentation.
This will be a great award for anyone who receives it.
Any of us fortunate enough to have raced on the same track as Vernon know he was both incredibly fast and scrupulously fair.