Hello all
I would like to ask for an amendment/update to the manufactures page of the website. At present the website only has a link to the individual websites, this I feel could be improved by having the contact details shown also for example,
Nemesis proto
Based: teeside
Contact: Daniel Gibson
Tel: 07920847560
Email: danielgibson_Nemesisproto@yahoo.co.uk
Website: under construction.
Also could the powers that be update the website tables as a formula it dosent look good that the points haven't been updated yet.
All now done as requested including a Nemesis Proto information page. Would you be kind enough to let me know when your own website is ready so I can then alter the link on the "Manufacturers" page?
I delayed he championship table updates because after Snetterton I found that the points according to BARC are not the same as the table on this site. The reason wasn't obvious and I decided to sort it out before uploading the information. It is that BARC haven't included the point for pole position if it came as the result of a win in the previous race at a double (or treble) header whereas the tables I produce show those points. Jamie has now advised me to continue including these points. Interestingly, you and Paul are the main beneficiaries so I hope the wait was worth it. Apologies to all for the delay.
A note to all here: I have discovered that some browsers are not showing updated pages when they are uploaded due to the pages being cached locally. If you think you should be looking at a more up to date page than the one you have in front of you it may be a good thing if you press the page refresh button on your browser.
I am putting some more robust anti-caching directives on the pages and hopefully the problem will disappear as individual pages are updated.