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Tait, James - Born in Edinburgh, circa 1885

I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and my maternal grandmother's name was Mary Tait. She was born in Portobello, Edinburgh in August, 1908 to James and Annie Tait (nee Heslin). James and Annie were married on March 11th, 1904 at No. 11 or 16 Pipe Street in Portobello. I am fairly certain that they set up housekeeping at No. 35 Pipe Street because that was still Annie's residence at the time of her death on December 24th, 1954. James and Annie were parents to Mary and Agnes/Addie, who was born in September, 1910. Now, here is my dilemna: I first sensed something was amiss when I first viewed Grandma Mary's record in the passenger manifest from The Montclare, which is the ship that she sailed to Canada on in March, 1928. When asked for her next of kin, she only gave her mother's name, Annie Tait of 35 Pipe Street in Portobello, Edinburgh. Another warning bell went off when I unsuccessfully tried to find a death certificate for James Tait. Because the Scotlands People website's death records only go up to 1956, at first I assumed that he must have died after that date. However, a contact that I had with Scotlands Records was also unable to locate a death record for him. Yet another warning bell went off when I located Annie's death certificate because if James was still alive, why was her brother's name on the death certificate and not her husband's? So ... I decided to search for ANY information on James Tait at, where - lo and behold! - I came across an item regarding the man whom I believe was my great-grandfather. This record concerned the marriage of a James Tait and Nellie Pollard, who was a domestic servant from Suffolk, England, on August 30th, 1913 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada! I contacted the woman, Christine, who had left this information about James Tait, and while she was reluctant to wholeheartedly accept that we were related to the same man, she did say that her mother had told her that James Tait would never discuss his years in Scotland. In addition, Christine also stated that her mother can remember her father crying after receiving a phone call from Scotland. While her mother believed that this was in the early 1930's (which is possible because James had a fraternal twin, Margaret, who died in 1930 at the age of 45 from chronic nephritis stroemia - a kidney ailment), I think it is also possible that the year could have been more like 1942, and the phone call he received might have been concerning the death of his oldest daughter, Mary, my grandmother, who died in May of 1942. To further add to the intrigue, I have been advised by Scotland Records that there is NO record of a divorce between James and Annie Tait, which means that in addition to being a wife and child deserter, James Tait was also a bigamist!!! No wonder he didn't want to talk about his previous life in Scotland!!! However, the past is the past; and I am only interested in hearing from ANYONE to whom this story might sound familiar since I cannot be certain about my family tree on the Tait side until I can confirm that the James Tait who emigrated from Scotland and married Nellie Pollard was indeed my great-grandfather. Thank you for taking the time to read this message.