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Lilias Tait of Heriot

My GGG Grandmother was a Lillias Tait who married my ggg Grandfather Richard Stewart in 1810 in Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland (also registered in St Boswells). A grandchild of Richard and Lillias was named Lillias Tait Stewart and also a great grandchild in another line was named the same. Therefore the Tait name seems to have been important. I would be interested in any Taits that have a Heriot (Midlothian) connection to help me identify Lillias Tait's family tree

Re: Lilias Tait of Heriot


I have just found this site and posted a message. Noticed yours and wondered if you are sure your Lillias came from Heriot and that the banns registered in St Boswells did not mean that she was in fact from there?

I know St Boswells well, spent lengthy holidays with my grandma a couple of miles from there!

Eckford where my Taits come from is only a few miles from St Boswells. Get in touch if you think there might be a link.

