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im a crow hunter in need!! help

hey, could you help me, me and my dad are interested in airgunning and we live on a farm so theres lots of crows about but i seem to be having a problem with getting in range, its mainly the jackdaws that are my problem. I was wondering if someone could tell me what is the best time to shoot early morning or late afternoon because im at school all day and i only have about 3 to 4 hours free time after school and im swamped. I can get up early as four, would that be eny good? email me if you have eny suggestions

Re: im a crow hunter in need!! help

Well...the time isn't the biggest factor in crow hunting. It is very difficult to stalk crows, so here is what you should do. Build a nice camouflaged shelter, and about 20-30 meters away, place some form of raw meat or eggs or decoy owl (see what suits you best). Wait for a long time, and you should be in luck as long as you are well covered. Remember though, crows are difficult to get in any circumstances, so luck will have to be on your side!

Re: Re: im a crow hunter in need!! help

i have heard a good bait is a rabbit that has been opened up and laid belly up,the crows and magpies will it from a good distance...

What is your main interest. shooting,fishing