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Apprentices soliciting work

I got a question I want to pose to the forum....

Should it be illegal for apprentices to solicit work? Why or why not?

Thanks group! I really am looking for some good feedback from young and old alike!

Thanks again!

Re: Apprentices soliciting work


No it is not illegal.


It is on John B's site under Contents.

If you do, you may not count the appraisal hours toward your classification.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

John P., he was asking SHOULD it be illegal, and I would have to say "no". If an apprentice can own a business, I think they should be allowed to solicit work. Its kind of weird what people expect of apprentices, "You can't have my work but you can't solicit your own either. Just go out and market for the business." That comes across as "Dont take my work but dont get your own". Very confusing for a newbie.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

No. It should not be illegal. I just upgraded my classification from registered to licensed. It took me almost 2.5 years to get the required hours because mentors that were willing to work with me were not willing to share there work with me. For many registered appraisers, they really do not have a choice if they want to survive. Soliciting my own clients enabled me to develope the marketing and necessary sales skills needed in order to be successful. It is also part of the training. Most importantly, in breaking out on your own, it allows you have an already established cash flow, which the transition a bit easier.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

Yes, it should be illegal to solicit work as a registered appraiser.

Why, would you allow a doctor to operate on you if they were not a licensed doctor. Would you allow a dentist to pull teeth without a license? Heck most would not get a haircut from a trainee.

Now you saying let someone with less than a college degree, who has a whole 90 hours (two weeks and 1.25 days) of training to give an opinion of value for collateral up to one million dollars. They can do this with no finance training, no real estate training and very little math training. Their research is based upon what? Experience? Most have not even read the supplemental rules, fannie mae rules or any rules. There are licensed and certified appraiser that request the rule on something when they are two clicks away on the left side of this website.

NO, I don't think registered appraiser should be given the keys to the kingdom as they are not experienced, knowledgeable and or appraisal mature enough to stay out of trouble without a good mentor who see them everyday, works with them and reviews them on every work day. That is my opinion.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

Uh yeah, if you can't complete it, why should you be able to solicit it?

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

I am soliciting Brain Surgery patients...I have take an on line class from Barney Fletcher...

What is the difference..

If you think there are life and death questions,,tell that to a person who has just lost their home to foreclosure..

They were unable to refi because the value was NOT there when they bought the house in the first place,,,,

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

U guys are all making sense but the work has to come from somewhere. Don't get your own work, but you cant have mine either? Makes alot of sense

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

wow, some of you guys have a really warped sense of things.

how many other industries do just fine using sales people that are not experts in the product they are selling. why do you have to be able to appraise at all to go try and get business?

how do you think IBM or Microsoft would do if its nerds (the guys trained in understanding everything about their products) in the basements were going around trying to sell their products. i'm sure that would be great for business.

why the hell does an appraiser have to be a sales person? some of the best appraisers could be some of the worst sales people.

this is a stupid law, and the points defending it so far are unitelligent.

"NO, I don't think registered appraiser should be given the keys to the kingdom as they are not experienced, knowledgeable and or appraisal mature enough to stay out of trouble without a good mentor who see them everyday, works with them and reviews them on every work day. That is my opinion. "

what the hell does this have to do with getting business. soliciting work and doing appraisals are two totally different things.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

"what the hell does this have to do with getting business. soliciting work and doing appraisals"

You just made my point as to why a brake needs to be applied to "future" appraisers. Its their lack of understanding and experience that gets them into trouble. By the way the guys in their moms basements dealing with computers are called gamers and hackers and lots of them get arrested for not knowing the limits of the law. Having a mentor is why real estate agents have brokers, why office workers have an office mangers, why sales people have a sales manager to keep them out of trouble. Your point is what that someone with 90 hours of training should be let upon the consumer who does not have any knowledge about the process. What happens when a new appraiser has only one client and is pushed to make a number and two years later the home is in foreclosure? Who suffers, the dumba$$ appraiser or the family who just wanted a home and found two people who worked up a fraud to get a paycheck. We have an ethical responsibility for the PUBLIC GOOD. What we do not have is a system that guarantees success to anyone who takes a 90 hour wonder course. That is what the h@#!! that law has to do with appraisers getting work. It is there as a small attempt to protect the public from aggressive appraiser out to make history or become rich at the expense of others.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

wait, the law does not state that a reg. appraiser cannot solicit business for their mentor, correct?

if that is the case there really isnt a disagreement here.

all of these law changes do not fix the real problem. brokers and loan officers do not need to be the ones that appraisers have to solicit for business.

Re: Apprentices soliciting work

First of all, sales have everything to do with your success in this business. If you can't sell your services then how are you supposed to get orders. No one is going to give them to you. And furthermore, just because you are an experienced appraiser does not mean you are a good appraiser. I have a bachelors in Finance and I call my former mentors at least twice a week asking questions about various issues. Having a coolege degree has nothing to do with nothing. Bill Gates does not have a college degree so what are you saying. Experienced appraisers put to much blame on bad appraisals on trainees. There licensed or certified supervisor are at fault as well if not more. They have to review and sign the report don't they?? The bottom line is that soliciting business is just as important and being able to do the job once you have received the order. Unless you are a licensed or certified trainer that shares your business with your trainees or are will to you have no right to say it should be illegal. remember someone gave you an opportunity at one time yourself. Be a part of the solution and don't contribute to the problem.