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P.C. way to write this

Many of you are much better writers than myself. How would be the best way to word this? The subject is located with 35% treed land and the rest is homes. The homes are not in the best of condition. Landscaping is basically dirt, homes average condition. The subject is is average+ condition with updates. Due to very few sales, I had to go out side the area. The area I had to use if more residential, homes fairly well kept, lawns, etc. More of a neighborhood. So how would I write the adjustment was made because the subject is in a cruddy neighborhood and the comps are not? I've already done a paired sale so I know the $$ I will be adjusting. Thank you Carol

Re: P.C. way to write this

The subject neighborhood features a more rural and rustic setting with a wide variety of house styles and types. The lack of landscaping, dirt driveways, and minimal bushes or flowering plants are typical. Comparable 3 is in an established neighborhood with landscaping, paved driveway, and where houses are more homogeneous.

FYI, in the old daze we used to get away with saying "the subject neighborhood exhibits a lack of home ownership pride"... but many lender no longer allow THAT description.

Re: P.C. way to write this

Dang M.'re good!! Thank you so much that is a perfect way to write it.

Re: P.C. way to write this

Lack of dirt driveways?

Re: P.C. way to write this

Compare the value of land in each location, there should be a difference, and make adjustment accordingly, based on land value or location.

Re: P.C. way to write this

"Lack of dirt driveways?"

Oops, well... that's what you get on the weekend after a full day of beering, I mean fishing.

Re: P.C. way to write this

M Legget,
Your original statement is clear and gramatically correct.

Re: P.C. way to write this


How many beer cans, (oops) I mean fish did you catch?

Re: P.C. way to write this

Thank you Dan. I knew how much to adjust by the paired sales, just couldn't figure out a proper way to write the statment. Thanks to all.

Re: P.C. way to write this

4 Rainbows, thems are good eatin'!

Carol, if that doesn't pass by the UW, you can try more down to Earth terms....
Earnhardt bumper stickers well out number the "My Kid is an A student", not one single color on any auto has a majority, and a Naugahyde couch is considered typical outdoor furniture.