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Determining a condition of comparables not listed on Mls

I'm reviewing an appraisal in one of the sketchy parts of town where the orignal appraisal's comps were all from Redlink and were labeled "renovated" I can tell just by driving by that can't be the case. Am I too assume the original appraiser called each of the comparable sales homeowner's to verify the interior condtion of each of the sales? (since this information was not available on MLS)

Re: Determining a condition of comparables not listed on Mls

If they called the homeowner, you would think they would quote it as a source, I would, and if so, I would call to confirm that, but your eyes aint lyin more than likely.

Re: Determining a condition of comparables not listed on Mls

I would be very curious about why someone would use sales downtown that were not listed on a listing service... none available? Yeah right.

Re: Determining a condition of comparables not listed on Mls


Were they from the Redlink data published in relationship to the sale used in the report? Very important.

Re: Determining a condition of comparables not listed on Mls

My 2 cents...

From experience, you can do a CMA in FMLS for a particular area and clearly see that ALL of the high sales you see in RedLink deeds were not listed with an agent. Those are the mortgage fraud houses when you go see them.

Just like you pointed out...didn't look renovated. Do your research but my bet is your going to hang this person out to dry which is good because you need to know your market to appraise and my bet is this person was aiming for a number.

Again, my 2 cents.