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IMPORTANT - if you are upgrading your classification...

I sent in all my paperwork to AMP and never heard back from them to schedule my exam. I just called and they said I was good to go. They said they tried to call and email but had my wrong contact info somehow. I don't know how since the paperwork I sent in had my current information.

Anyway, if you have sent in your documentation and haven't heard from them after a month or so, you might want to call 800-345-6559 and check with them.

Re: IMPORTANT - if you are upgrading your classification...

going for that CG now MAG!

Re: IMPORTANT - if you are upgrading your classification...

Yep, it's about time to order John's cram disk. I used them on all previous exams and have not failed yet. Hopefully I'll have the same success.

I'm still a long way from being competent to actually prepare a commercial report, but I might as well get the classification out of the way.

I'd like to know who else in the forum is upgrading!

Re: IMPORTANT - if you are upgrading your classification...

For someone that has always worked with commercial appraisers, I have always put it off, but decided it was time.