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black women dating and marrying white men.

i'm a 20yr old indian/black caribbean female dating an italian man who i love very much. I'm from the islands, and I don't understand all the racism that's going on in this country. When we go out i get angry stares from black men and awkward stares from whites. I don't understand why are they angry. I have a white female friend that sometimes tell me "why don't you date your own kind?" But when we're hanging out I see her flirting with black men; BUT she perfers white men.
The message i'm receiving from her is "don't date my white men." And my father (who is black) wants me to date & marry a black man, but he encourages my brothers to date and marry white & hispanic women. The vibe i'm getting from him is that black men can marry who ever they want, but a black woman can't. I love my boyfriend very much and i'm not giving up him or my hapiness for anyone. When will people realize that LOVE SEE'S NO COLOR.

Re: black women dating and marrying white men.

One thing i dont understand is why get mad at black women with white men, if they love white men more than black men let it be,you dont have to know her or sleep with her anyway, she gonna go back to brothas when the so called perfect white dude go right back to his kind, she'll find out someday.But the sad thing is that black women with white men look to white men as perfect and cant do any wrong,and they always look to all black men as cheaters

Re: Re: black women dating and marrying white men.

Did you read my letter carefully? I don't look at white men as if they are perfect. Their are cheaters, rapist, abusers, alcoholics, etc; in every race. What I would like to know is what do you mean black women look at white men as perfect and can't do wrong? because I've read in an article similar to this that a black man thinks a white woman is perfect. I'm not saying a black man dating or marrying another race is bad, because I'm the daughter of an interracial couple. But I'm really sick and tired of men like my father saying i can't date a caucasian man. I don't need to marry a black man and I don't have to date a black man, that doesn't mean i hate black men because i don't. But since my last message my boyfriend proposed to me so now we're getting married, and my father can't stand it. And I could care less. I'm not with my fiancee because he's Italian I'm with him because I'm attracted to his personality and his itelligence he means the world to me. He is not perfect he's human just like me and everyone else in this world. I love him so much and he loves me. He is a good-looking italian man in love with a beautiful multi-racial woman. P.S this is 2005 black women are not only attracted to black men, but men of other races as well. I don't understand why is there still racism going on.

Re: Re: Re: black women dating and marrying white men.

Honey, racism is as old as time and it will continue, unfortunately because hate will always be in our world. Do what makes you happy. I am in a mixed relationship and we get stares but just ignore them. There is discrimation all over the place. Against women, minorities, fat people, short people, mentally disabled, the list could go on and on. Our world is sick. Listen to your heart. I was married within my race (white) for over 10 yrs. to an alcoholic. What a nightmare. Once I got free I decided to open my eyes to other possibilities. Happiness does not come in a neat little box that everyone approves of. I am with my present husband for five years and am happy. Sure we fight, sure we disagree, but I wouldn't change it for the world. All I can tell you is that you are not going to please everyone, so don't even try. Live your life in a way that makes your heart sing. We are here for way too short of a time to try to please the world. Hope I helped you, dear!

Re: Re: Re: black women dating and marrying white men.

Hey there girl I'm an older white male and I think that you are at 20 yrs old old enough to make your own decisions... Be considerate to you dad though, he is only worried about your best interest... Stick with your scupples and go with your heart. thanks