In Memory of Peter B. Ober

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In Memory of Peter B. Ober
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the Remembrances

Carah, Meg and Cheri, I appreciate so much the notes you left on the anniversary. I had planned to write something myself, but was so touched by what you each wrote that I let it go this time. It was a wonderful surprise to see that you had written and to know that our family is still not alone… six years later… in remembering Pete.

Cheri, the beautiful white Bible you gave us in Sicily is a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness and kindness. Brock was a good little friend to Madeline and I am thrilled to know that he visited Pete’s resting place. Arlington Cemetery inspires a sense of awe for me every time I go there; even though I would love to visit his gravesite more often than I do, I think it is the right place for him.

Meg, I am regularly humbled by what I don’t know that I should have already known. Now, thanks to you (and Google), I have acquaintance with the wisdom of Hericlitus... thank you!
YOU have written an embarrassment of nice things about the Ober family! It makes me happy to think that you could remember us all that way, but I know it is your own outlook on life that allows for such rich memories. I think whenever you were with us you made us a better family! (And I would say your smile rivaled Pete’s grin!) I love what you shared about the exchange with your brother. It perfectly reminds me of the most important lesson I took from Pete’s death: to love the people we love... and not assume there is another day to do so.
I hope you will e-mail me, Meg. I was delighted to see the pictures you put in with your post and I would like to know how you were able to do it.

Again, I thank all three of you for your wonderful writings.

I don't always respond here when someone leaves a post. Nevertheless, I think I can honestly say, for all of Pete's family, that we dearly appreciate every time someone is thoughtful enough to leave a message in memory of Pete.