In Memory of Peter B. Ober

Please use this message forum to share your thoughts, memories, and stories about Pete.

In Memory of Peter B. Ober
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Website Photos

There may be friends and family who check into this website today because of it being Pete's birthday. I want all of you to know that one of my next priorities will be to restore nearly all the photos that were here before they disappeared into Verizon's black hole. Unfortunately, there are at least several photos from before that I do not have, and their replacement will depend on the willingness of those who sent them to Mary Holland before.

I am excited about once again having this be a place where we can see Pete through the years... in different places, doing things he loved with people who were important to him. I have many pictures which have not been seen here before and over time I will continue to submit them. There is plenty of room in the website, so please send your pictures, too (provided they are not too embarrassing! Let's Here it For the Boys... even you guys of the Citadel were reasonably discreet with the pictures you sent!)

I look forward to the time this is once again one of the places you'll want to visit whenever you're online, and write whenever you wish!