In Memory of Peter B. Ober

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In Memory of Peter B. Ober
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Oh, Pete. You are more experienced at being where you are than the newest souls who have joined you in the same way. Embrace them... if that is part of what you can do. Remind them to linger as they are able around those who love them, to leave little signs and unexplainable coincidences as I felt you did. There will be many who will grope and cling to any little consolation, even if it... is... little consolation.

I know that loss is loss, no matter how it happens. But this morning's news of the Marine Sea Stallion (MH53-E) going down in Iraq puts me in a state of relapse. I grieve for the 31 or more families who are, or will soon be, in the same epicenter of mental anguish that I felt 18 months and 10 days ago. They will get the news they have been praying they WON'T be getting, and I hurt with them.

I know that technically you and the other 3 men in your crew did not die in the Iraqi conflict. But daily I hear in the news something about the lives and personalities of those who have. Pete... I thought you were unique until I began to HEAR about you... over and over in the stories of others. People who loved life... were known for their laughs, their grinning faces; who would do the right thing even when it wasn't the easy thing; who would lead by example. Without a doubt, a lot of young people giving their lives in service to their countries are loved, respected and missed... as I do you.

My heartfelt prayers for all.

Re: Relapse

The first paragraph of your entry is beautiful Mrs. Ober. It is hard to think that Pete is not gone, but actually someplace beautiful and loving and peaceful. I'm sure that his friendly smile and open arms await the "newest souls", especially the soldiers and sailors among them. Pete is not with us, he has been reassigned. The deployment is long and secretive, but the good news is, we will see him again. He will be happy, not weary. Happy Birthday My friend.
I feel so out of place posting on this. I knew Pete for a short amount of time, yet have grieved him more than people I have known for many years. I know from college courses that the people we know in the formative years of youth (like jr. high) make the greatest impact on us. That is so true. Even though you all knew Pete the man, and I knew Pete the teenager, a common thread is woven in all of us. We knew Pete, and we are all better for it.