In Memory of Peter B. Ober

Please use this message forum to share your thoughts, memories, and stories about Pete.

In Memory of Peter B. Ober
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As I was leaving Pete’s memorial an older man came up to me and without any introductions told me, Pete was a man’s man. Truer words could not have been spoken. One of my fondest memories of Pete occurred at the beginning of every year at The Citadel. I am not quite sure if this happened to everyone returning to college but for myself I was a bit nervous. Studying, wrestling, and discipline made me a bit uneasy upon return to the mighty El Cid. All of this nervousness vanished once I heard Pete scream “ROOMMATE” across the quad as he entered the Battalion 30 seconds before the bugle sounded for formation. (Typical Pete timeliness) He gave me a sense of security, as he did everyone he encountered. Around Pete you took chances and you didn’t hold back. Once I heard my roommate enter the battalion I knew it was going to be OK.

He was the most sincere person I have ever been around. He spoke his mind and always introduced himself as Pete Ober and always paid close attention to people’s names. He hated when someone called him Dude, Bud or god forbid “Man”. Among many of the things I learned from Pete I really try to emulate his courtesy he showed others. I don’t remember half the classes I attended at The Citadel but I can assure I grew leaps and bounds because of a great “Man’s man” named Peter Benjamin Ober.

I can honestly say I am a better person because of Pete Ober.

Re: Roommates


It was great to read the entry you wrote about Pete. I know exactly what you mean. It has been very difficult for me to accept the fact that he's gone and there is no one over here who can relate because none of the people I am surrounded by knew Pete. Anyway, it was good see a familiar name in the message forum and I hope that when I get home we are all able to link up and celebrate Pete's memories the way he would want us to. Take care brother and I'll talk to you later