Welcome to the Piper Boat Owners club Forum. The Forum for owners of Piper built Narrowboats and Barges and anyone interested in Piper Boats. The owners club is completely separate from Piper Boats. Please feel free to post a message to club members and web site readers.
As previously promised, Pipeline-on-line was hopefully to come out to you with our Owners Club section. Unfortunately it didn't and I'm unable to post to the main page of the website.
This leaves me with the forum and I think the best way to present things is via some short entries. I did try to put it all on but the forum didn't take well to the number of photos! I'll post over the next few days starting here -
Hello everyone, I hope your summer cruising has been good so far. As you know, we are amalgamating our news into that of the Piper Boats, so I shall be asking Andrea to include this on the Piper Owners Club page.
There is some sad news first of all. We were sorry to hear that Audrey Lee has passed away. Audrey and her late husband Peter were owners of the David Piper narrowboat “Tichitoro”, and were active members of the Owners Club and moored at Red Bull for many years.
A number of our narrowboats have changed hands recently, allowing me to keep up to date on their movements via new and potential owner enquiries. Unfortunately I haven’t received any other news of cruises or anything else to pass on.
There has been a new addition to the Piper family, when our eldest Grandson Callum married wife Gem at the beginning of July. The wedding went well and they make a lovely couple. The reception was a Weston Hall, just up the hill from the Trent and Mersey which brought back some happy memories as it was one of our favourite mooring spots. We had a wonderful day and it was good to get our far-flung family together.