I found you by accident, but glad i did. I was trying to find important dates or places that might have caused my ancestors to move so much. I've done my DNA test so trying to use that as a guide. They apparently moved north from Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico and into Texas. They stayed in the area of Karnes City, Runge and Kennedy Texas for a long time. Then they moved to San Antonio, where my siblings and I were born. I really enjoyed reading the information that you have posted. I was excited to see that you live in Tomball,Texas because I live in The Woodlands, Texas. Do you ever work with local groups? I keep getting stuck. Do you know anyone that can decipher spanish? I found some pages that are in spanish that start of by saying in the village of, then it names the child that was born,the parents and both sets of grandparents. I'm curios to see what else it says. I'm having trouble reading the handwritting. Would love to hear from you.
I am an Aguilar and my father was born and raised in Yorktown and later raised in San Antonio although his grandfather stayed in Floresville and both his grandparents were buried there. I was wondering if you could give some information about the Aguilar family you are from because aside from his grandparents, I can't find much else. I'd like to give my father some information as he is 92 and lost contact with the Aguilar families when they moved to San Antonio. I also live in the Woodlands and my cousins live in Conroe, Spring and Lake Jackson, TX. Could you respond by e-mail? Thanks and hope to hear from you.
My Aguilar was born in Eagle Pass Texas. I don't know too much about her either. Her daughter, which was my Grandmother.
Delfina Aguilar was an only child.