Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Santa Came!


Santa came whiles we was sleeping. We aren't very good watch dogs are we??? Anyways, we gots stockings filled with treats and new brushes and new towels. Dumb cat got a new bed and treats.

Hope Santa Paws was good to everyone!

Cody & Buddy

Re: Santa Came!

Cody and Buddy, Santa Paws came here, too!!! I got a new Christmoose with a hat and scarf, two new big, stuffed bones, a new pink doggie woobie, and a new monkey!!! The bestest part was the paper, though - it's my favorite! I sorry the cat got stuff...

Merry Christmas everyone!

Re: Santa Came!

Santa came here, too, and we didn't even wake up! Course, Gage don't hear well any more. I got some chew sticks (but dumb Mom says I get only 1 every day -- not fair!) and I have to share with Gage, but his teeth aren't very strong, so I tried to steal his stick. But Mom and Julia were watching. And Gage got a squeeky toy. I don't play with toys. All I want is food and more food. Guess that's why Mom calls me "Pig."

Mila and Gage

Re: Santa Came!

You are lucky guys! We got one new braided fleecy (to share!) and we can smell a new Ruff toy in the closet, but we can't get to it!

Sophie says she smells rabbit in the closet, and that's what she's going to have for dinner!

Happy Christmas to All!


Spikey & Sophie

Re: Santa Came!

Ho Ho Ho! Belle here...

Santa came to see us too. We got a big basket of toys and treats that Mom passed out to us BEFORE the two legged kids... she tossed the toys out on the floor and let us pick... That little stinker Sophie tried to take all the toys, but we didn't let her. Snickers, Abby, and I dog our share too. Our other doggy cousins (Ripley the little Chi boy, Jasmine the Weimaraner, and little puppy Smudge did not get to come this year. We were planning a doggy free-for-all.

The toy vs. Sophie score so far is: Sophie 1 - Santa tug toy 0. That little sister of mine can destroy a toy in nothing flat! and now she's starting on my toys....I give up, I am going to take a nap and rest up to beg for somemore food.

Merry Christmas to everyone!
Love Belle
(Sophie & Snickers too).