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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Attack of the Spider People Starring Sera & Penny


Green Spider things have invaded Washington state! Suspicious characters have been spotted, smuggled inside boxes from Petco. Warn your neighbors!! Keep your eyes on the sky!....

Here are some pictures of prominent Washougal citizens having close encounters with the invaders:

Penny accosts a stranger!

Sera grabs an alien spying on the living room!

Station KBLL

Re: Attack of the Spider People Starring Sera & Penny

They've landed and judging from the last photo you posted of the "thing" coming out of the box with Sera, they've landed in the wrong house! We're all doomed to be eaten by spider-aliens!

Re: Attack of the Spider People Starring Sera & Penny

Those same aliens have invaded Boulder, as well. Scary stuff right before Christmas Looks to me like Penny and Sera can handle those creatures, though!

Re: Attack of the Spider People Starring Sera & Penny

I hope that Finny McGinny is going to terrorize his green monster!