Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Well, I heard back from Russell Rescue about Pearl. She is still with her family just north of Santa Cruz, and she's still available for adoption. I just submitted an on-line application, but of course nothing is definite yet. The local rep will call me once she has reviewed my application. Then I'll get more info about Pearl and we'll decide if she is a good fit.

Pearl is an 11-year-old rough-coat JRT. I haven't mentioned anything to Julia, as I don't want to listen to her begging. But if I DO adopt Pearl, I'd like to get her the weekend before Christmas, because we'll be home to help her get settled, referee any spats with Mila, etc. Mila isn't too fond of other dogs, but as long as Pearl isn't terribly dominant, Mila should be fine. Julia returns to school Jan. 3, and I'm off until Jan. 7.

You can see little Pearl at

I've been telling Julia that once Gage and Mila are gone, I want to take a break from dogs for a while. But what do I know! Will let you know how things develop.

Re: Pearl

Talked to the Russell Rescue rep, and she said our home sounds fine for Pearl. Since Pearl still lives with her family, the final decision will be up to them. I have their phone # but haven't called yet. Pearl is apparently a really nice dog, but a digger (no surprise there, given her breed). She's also been used for hunting and stays outside in a large fenced property during the day -- I won't leave my dogs outside if I'm not home. There's an evil big dog in the yard behind us, and the meter reader comes in to read the meter. So no dogs are ever left outside unsupervised. I keep asking myself if I've gone crazy!

Re: Pearl

I thought I was crazy when I took on a second golden, but it turned out to be good for Honey when Abby came along. They are both much happier now that they have a playmate. You will probably be really happy when Pearl comes to live with you...however, be prepared for a lot more activity in the house!

Trish, Honey and active Abby

Re: Pearl

Congratulations!! Pearl's face is absolutely adorable! Are there two varieties? Smooth and wire coats?
Please keep us informed.......and if the adoption happens, let us know what Julia's reaction is!!

Re: Pearl

There are actually 3 kinds of JRT coats: smooth, broken and rough. Jackson was a smooth-coat (mixed with cattle dog). I love the look of the rough coats, too.

My hesitation in all this is because I already have 2 dogs, and they are a lot of work. Gage is 10-12 years old and a golden retriever. Mila is 9 years old and yellow Lab/beagle mix. She's always been a handful -- constantly getting into the trash, stealing food, etc. I know Gage will get along fine with Pearl, but Mila will take some time. As long as Pearl isn't too assertive or dominant, Mila should be fine.

Re: Pearl

If you really want her and she's the right temperement we all know you'd be a great home!!! The one thing I have an issue with with my three older guys now is the "walkies". Of course everyone wants to go for a walk, but not all of us are up to two hours every day. I end up going out four or more times a day so everyone gets at least a couple of walks...and the younger guys get a good run. Doesn't leave much time for anything else.

And of course I spend several hours a month at the vets office. It's worth it....but just reminding you.


Re: Re: Pearl

The good news is that my current dogs are older and aren't up to a huge amount of exercise. One thing I need to find out about Pearl is how much exercise she needs at age 11. JRTs tend to be very active (although Jackson never was). I don't have time to do multiple walks every day, on top of working, monitoring Julia to make sure she does her homework, etc.

Gage has been to the vet twice in the past month. First was for crystals in his urine, then for colitis apparently resulting from the antibiotics he took for the urinary tract infection. I suspect I'll be on a first-name basis with my new vet before too long.

Re: Pearl

Ann, Pearl's very cute. So many of those JRTs for adoption say they need to be only dogs, so hopefully, Mila and Pearl will see eye to eye and give Pearl the opportunity to get a home with you, Julia and Gage.

Re: Pearl update

It's no-go for Pearl. I just talked to her owner, and he feels that she wouldn't be happy staying in the house all day while I'm at work. She is used to being able to come and go as she pleases via doggy door and explore their 10-acre fenced property. For a number of reasons, I don't want my dogs in the yard when I'm not home (evil dog in yard behind us, possible barking issues with neighbors, meter reader access to yard, etc.). So he'll keep looking for a new home for her. He said she is a classic JRT, fearless and somewhat aloof (as was Jackson). She isn't an alpha ****** which is good. But the outdoor access is a show-stopper.

Re: Re: Pearl update

Sorry to hear things didn't work out with Pearl.
Will you keep looking?