Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

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Re: Christmas Card Exchange

Gage and Mila, and the 2-footed kid is Julia.

Re: Christmas Card Exchange

Fur butts, Campbell 13, Bailey 12, Odin 9 and Taegan 2

Margaret Lamb

Re: Christmas Card Exchange

The Golden Girls, Honey and Abby, have graciously allowed us, Trish and Tom Byers to be the leaders of their pack

Trish, Honey and Abby

Re: Christmas Card Exchange

I am only a lurker and do not post much. My goldens are Stormy and Buddy (both 6 years old) and a basset hound rescue Homer and he is almost 12. My two-legged child is Chris and he is 14 and very much the animal lover. All three dogs worship the ground he walks on. We had three goldens now at the RB - Michelob, Genessee and Spring (she was a rescue from GRREAT here in MD or she would have had a beer name, too). They left us in 2000-2001 all at the age of 12.

I have so much fun reading all the posts and keeping up with everyone's adventures. It would be fun to meet some in person.

Sorry no photo of our dogs in this year's card, but maybe next year!

--Kim in Rising Sun, MD

Re: Re: Christmas Card Exchange

Kim, I'm curious about the Dugan in your e-mail address. Are you a former Dugan? If so, we've got bunches of Dugan relatives in Maryland (around Silver Spring); my son't middle name is Dugan! Boy, you sure had a hard time with the loss of furry friends in 2000/01....

Re: Re: Re: Christmas Card Exchange

My maiden name is Dugan. My dad's parents came to Philadelphia from Ireland. Small world, my son's middle name is also Dugan. I have lots of relatives in Philly but don't know of too many Dugan relatives since my dad had 6 sisters and 2 brothers and the brothers each had 5 girls, no boys to carry on the name. Maybe I have relatives here in MD I never knew I had.

Yes, it was a very, very sad time for us when we lost our heart dog Michelob in November, then sweet Genny girl in April and Spring the following November.


Re: Christmas Card Exchange

Current pup is Finnegan, otherwise fondly known as the crack head The Keeper of the Fridge at the Bridge is Cody, who still owns most of my heart....

Re: Christmas Card Exchange

I'm mostly a lurker too. I lost both of my goldens this year, Quincy in April and Floyd in August. Through some strange alignement of the stars (and some issues with the local rescue) I now have 2 cocker spaniels, but I still love goldens. I'm sure there will be more of them in my future. I'm going to try and get pictures of Ralph and Mocha this weekend, so I'm waiting to send out my cards. I promise I'll get them out before Christmas.

Re: Christmas Card Exchange

My furbutts are Cody (12) and Buddy (9), both rescues adopted from Delaware Valley Golden Retrieve Rescue (DVGRR) and Salem (9) a putty-tat. Got crazy Cody in 2000 and Buddy this past June. Salem joined us in 2003. We have two goldens at the Bridge - Milo (RB 2000) and Red (RB 2006).
