Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Re: Some icy adventures

As usual great pictures, but it sure is looks cold. How is Abby doing? From the pictures it looks like she is keeping the proverbial "stiff upper lip". Wishes for you, your family, and Golden Kids for the Holidays. Just think warm thoughts and you will thaw in the spring.

Re: Re: Some icy adventures

Abby is doing great . . . Metacam has really helped her.

It was 23 below zero Celcius this morning on the way to work, or about minus nine Farenheit. Cold weekend before a Chinook arrives on Monday and the temperature rockets well above zero.

In the pictures above, it's about 8 below Celcius, or about 18 degrees Farenheit.

Abby and Keeper are pretty comfortable walking up to about 15 below Celcius or +5 farenheit for an indefinite length of time.

Below that and the clock starts ticking on what they're comfortable with.

There might not be too many grand adventures this weekend.


Re: Some icy adventures

It was great to see Abby and Keeper on another adventure. We are looking at icy weather coming this weekend, not so cold as in the great frozen country to our north.

Sophie is going to get some Muttluks. The cold weather bothers her much more than most goldens, and I am thinking it must be her feet. She also has a dog coat, if I can only find where I stowed it last year.

She is not anywhere near as furry as Abby and Keeper.

Keep those photographs coming! I look forward to them.



Re: Some icy adventures

Wonderful shots....Can I ask what Camera you use? I am thinking of getting a Nikon D40 for a little expanded use....your pictures are awesome. Might have a lead on a job with a Mid to Small level asset bank processing company as an account manager. All golden thoughts would be appreciated !!

Re: Re: Some icy adventures

Golden Thoughts going your way . . . . good luck with the job.

I'm currently using a Nikon D80 but many of the shots on the site were taken with a Panasonic DMC FZ20 . . . the newest version of that camera is the FZ50.

Yesterday in the cold, we find Keeper . . .

Rick C