Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Re: Mystery going on here

You probably aren't going to like my suggestion: crate Annie when you aren't around - this is for her safety as well as the well-being of your shoes and hats :-) If not a crate than an expen - some place where she can't do anything naughty or get into anything (today your contacts tomorrow your prescriptions)...

The other thing is upping the exercise she's getting - she might need more activity now that you aren't home stimulating them as much - you can't rely on Baxter and dog to dog play to get all of the juice out (so to speak) might also take a bit of time every night to do some training - nothing big - just some tricks maybe - get that Lab brain of her working too.

BTW: Teller escaped his crate two weeks ago and shreded phonebooks. Actually shred implies that there were pieces big enough to pick up :-)
