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Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Canine incontinence - need advice

Last Friday my sister (Jamie) adopted a German Shorthair Pointer (KoKo) from a rescue group in Michigan. Jamie was told that KoKo previously had a UTI, taken medication for it and it had cleared up. KoKo was a no medical info available other than what the rescue lady told her and that info has been misleading. The rescue said KoKo was about 2 yrs old and Jamie's vet said around 6-8 yrs old.
KoKo is suffering from incontinence. She is on the medication Cystolamine. Jamie brought KoKo to her vet yesterday for a check-up. The vet said this could clear up, or it may never clear up.
Has anyone had this experience? Jamie desperately wants to keep KoKo, but simply cannot live with a leaky dog. Any advice is appreciated.

Re: Canine incontinence - need advice

We at one time had a mixed breed dog of terrier origan that developed incontinence in her older age. Our vet at the time said that her problem was a hormone problem and put her on hormone pills and the problem stopped. He indicated that that dogs or at least some dogs suffer from metapause like conditions. This dog sound like it might be too young for this type of problem, but it would be a relatively inexpensive try at treatment and the results should be fairly quick (within a week) if tried. Good luck.

Re: Canine incontinence - need advice

One of my little mixed breed dogs had problems with incontinence, and her vet put her on phenylproponolamine, which is found in some over-the-counter medications. Unfortunately, I don't remember which ones. I hope your sister can find something to help KoKo so she can keep her.

Re: Canine incontinence - need advice

If medication doesn't help, there are always doggie "pants". My co-worker uses these on his maltese.
