Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Hot Spot?

Well, I think Stanley may be getting a Hot Spot. He has always been an "itchy" dog, but he has never had this kind of irritation. He is chewing and licking like crazy at a spot on his front arm. Right now, the skin is not broken, it's just red, but I am afraid of what's to come.

I have been reading about how to treat Hot Spots and I was wondering if after I clean the area and apply medication if I should cover it? Won't he just keep licking if it's uncovered? Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: Hot Spot?

I have not had much luck with getting hot spots to heal on their own. We usually end up at the vet, getting the spot shaved, and putting the golden on a course of antibiotics.

This has been the scenario with my two extremely allergic dogs.

I usually try something on my own first, and then the spot just gets worse.

We don't cover the spot, but usually have some topical with the bitter taste so that they spot licking.



Re: Hot Spot?

The only times I have been able to stop a hot spot was when I put him on prednisone. Not an ideal thing todo but it did work. Not always though. Bailey ignores things that are supposed to taste awful and just chews away.

Wendy and pro-chewer Baiey

Re: Hot Spot?

Sorry to hear about Stanley's hot spot. They can get big so fast and are a big pain to get rid of. I have had some luck keeping them covered with a sock if possible or gauze. I have found sometimes cortizone cream helps, or betadine, or panalog. If they are bad enough, I have used prednisone. Toby had a lick granuloma on his foot last year (whick seemed to me like a hot spot) and what finally cured it was a salve made by HALO called Derma Dream. It comes in a small 2 oz. jar. It's all natural and contains about 10 different oils and some herbs and vitamins. I put it on 3Xdaily and it really worked. I got it at a high quality pet store (Whole Pets in Boulder). Good luck and I hope Stanley is on the mend.

Re: Hot Spot?

One other possibility to consider - perhaps Stanley has pinched a nerve. You know how it feels better to rub your elbow after you hit your 'funny' bone? The same could be true for Stanley. Consider a chiropractic treatment by a real chiropractor - not one of the vets who jumped on the bandwagon and got 'certified' at weekend seminars.


Re: Hot Spot?

Hi ... sorry to hear about Stanley's hotspot. I happen to be a pro in this category. Dakota usually gets them every spring (uh oh here we go) and fall. Usually what I do is try to remove some of the hair around the spot and apply Gentosin (sp?) spray which was given to me by the vet. If it doesn't get any better in a few days (and, it usually doesn't), I make an appointment to see the vet. They usually shave the area and if it's a bad one, put her on antiboitics and give her a shot with some mild prednisone. It usually heals in a few days unless she keeps scratching it and opening up again! A very frustrating process but they do eventually go away.

Good luck and keep us posted!!

Re: Hot Spot?

My vet has also given me Gentocin(sp) and have found it to be pretty effective for my guy Jake.
As for whether or not to "cover" the area... that is a tough one, my vet usually doesn't recommend it because the air can help it dry out. Of course that also means that your Stanley can get to it, which isn't going to help it heal.
When Jake's had bad spots, I have had to employ the dreaded lampshade(along w/ other treatments) around his head to prevent him from licking, but a few days with that is better than him being miserable for much longer.

Good luck.

Re: Hot Spot?

I'm not an expert on hotspots, but I generally clip away hair if necessary, clean the area with hydrogen peroxide (which also helps the hot spot dry out), pat it dry & then powder with Neo-Predef with Tetracaine Powder (ingredients: neomycin sulfate, isoflupredone acetate, & tetracaine HCl)from the vet. If on the leg, I usually try (sock or huge piece of gauze) to loosely cover the area. If the hot spot is from scratching, I'll frequently "double sock" the offending scratcher. Hope that helps someone!
Fidele, Belle & Cedar

Re: Hot Spot?

I have had luck with cleaning the hot spot and cutting away hair, then applying a mixture of cortisone cream mixed with Neosporin w/PAIN RELIEF.
After applying, we watch her closely for about 1/2 hour, by then the Neosporin has numbed the area and then we put a sock or gauze pad on. Usually have to do this 2-3x a day. The cortisone helps heal and the Neosporin relieves itching. Works pretty good unless hot spot is severe and it is amazing how quickly they can get bad. Good luck