Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Melting, freezing, melting

A few things from around here lately, ignore if you're not interested . . . . big snow, big melt, big snow again.

Spring is coming though.

Abby listens intently for mice under the snow, ready to pounce . . .

Keeper howls and barks at the sunset, warning away villians in the valley . . . . every night.

Keeper running through the meltwater lake swamping the road.

Mother and newborn calf, near the aptly named Longview, Alberta.

A scratchy picture taken at sunset a few nights ago, a rancher on a snowmobile had chased this running herd of elk off the higher hill in the background . . . . they were likely munching on his hay bales. As he was herding them instead of openly exhausting them for sport, it's probably not illegal. This herd circulates within a seven or ten mile radius of our place year round, gathering together at certain times of the year.

From a few weeks ago, a crisp morning finds Abby sitting in the field.

Rick C

Re: Melting, freezing, melting

Beautiful pics, as always. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Melting, freezing, melting

Great photos, as always. I love the one of Keeper with her head thrown back as she howls at the sunset.


Re: Re: Melting, freezing, melting

I love the Keeper one also.

Re: Melting, freezing, melting

Great pics as always ... I can't believe Keeper barks/howls at the sunset every night. That's hysterical.