Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Keeping Each Other Warm

Like most of the country, it's been pretty cold here in NJ. Luckily, I have my Michael. Mom tucked Michael and I in last night and made me a nice bed on the floor next to Michael's bed. Michael woke up several hours later and helped me on his bed and then covered me with the blankets. We slept cuddling each other for the rest of the night. When Mom and Dad came in early in the morning, Michael and I had our heads on the same pillow. Mom wasn't so happy about this, but she took a picture and let me stay nice warm next to Michael until Micheal woke up in the morning. I wonder where I'll be sleeping tonight...LoL - Mom says the floor...
BUt I know that my best friend will say something different....

Re: Keeping Each Other Warm

As usual, these posts are charming. Any chance of seeing the picture??

Re: Re: Keeping Each Other Warm

I need to get my digital fixed. Took the pictures on a movie camera and disposable. At least it's something to preserve these special memories.

Re: Keeping Each Other Warm

Carol and I are watching some hockey this afternoon (getting roundly stomped by Marianne B's Red Wings) and Abby and Keeper were both on the couch with heads stretched across my hip . . . . great picture but no camera handy.

Goldens love to cuddle.

Me and a few hundred other of my closest friends ran 13 miles (21 km) this a.m. in roughly minus 20 Celcius weather (with the wind chill), probably a bit more. I seem to have a wee case of frostbite on my nose even though I lost 2.5 pounds and was sweating like the proverbial pig!! Its cold and snowing. Definitely an indoor day . . . except for that run.

Rick C

Re: Re: Keeping Each Other Warm


You needed to snuggle up to some goldens after that run! I guess -20 degrees Celsius and your story can turn into a math problem for my class tomorrow!
