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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Sophie's First Puppy Preschool Class

Finally off the antibiotics and staying healthy, Sophie got to start her Puppy Preschool tonight. One other little Golden boy, 3 Cocker siblings, 2 Aussies, and a Dobie.

I thought she'd be a brute due to playing with big dogs all the time, but she was appropriate but did back the big Dobie male up under Mom's chair.

She seemed confident and the instructor said she was a great agility prospect. She responded to her name even in a play group, which was really great.

It was fun to see her around other puppies. I really love the training process. It was a good night! She's sacked out now and I bet she will sleep good tonight!

Re: Sophie's First Puppy Preschool Class

What fun. I just loved puppy preschool and all of the obedience classes Boris and I took. It sounds like Sophie will do great.

Re: Sophie's First Puppy Preschool Class

How fun! Honey and I loved puppy kindergarten and it sounds like agility would be fun! Gotta love a sweet little golden girl who can back a dobie into a corner. :)

Trish and Honey

Re: Sophie's First Puppy Preschool Class

Agility is BIG fun! I highly recommend trying it (some dogs don't enjoy it) - but most think it's a blast - and any dog can play. I know someone who has a lab that is physically a mess - retired from obedience because he just can't jump those 22" jumps. She plays agility with him and he jumps a whopping 8" - the smile on his face as he runs around is fantastic - he was clearly unhappy in retirement, wasn't particularly happy doing obedience work and has gotten such a bump of confidence playing agility...

Re: Sophie's First Puppy Preschool Class

Puppy classes are so much fun!

Especially the sacked out part at the end.

She sounds like a real sweetheart!
