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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Puppy Teeth

Hi all!

Can someone please remind me at what age puppies lose their pirahna teeth? Cookie will be 12 weeks on Monday, and the teething is driving us absolutely nuts!! Hubby is jokingly thinking of tying a cement block to her tail to slow her down. That way we will be able to keep up with her before she munches on something else she shouldn't.

I'm real good about keeping the electric cords up, but hubby forgot. Let's just say that the UPS truck can't bring his replacement laptop AC adaptor quick enough.

Re: Puppy Teeth

Depends on the puppy - about any time now between 12-16 weeks...then you've got the molars which in my experience is worse for chewing, then you've got the really painful part at about 5 months when the adult teeth set into the bone (MAJOR OUCHIES)...

Try frozen cantalope (scooped into strips with an ice cream scoop) or just hand towels that are moistened and then frozen - coold stuff seems to feel better on the gums.


Re: Re: Puppy Teeth

I used to give my kids (human) cucumber!

My dogs like it, too.



Re: Puppy Teeth

Hi Lori,
I totally identify with the teeth issue. Little Sophie and Cookie must be the same age. Soph's BD is Oct 29. Actually this week she is better than last week.. why I don't know, but I'm glad it is improving.

I jokingly asked the vet on her appt last Saturday if they could trim the teeth along with the nails

Re: Re: Puppy Teeth

Sophie and Cookie are very close in age. Cookie's BD is November 6.

We are jokingly calling her Pirahnna Puppy right now. If it exists, its fair game right now. She has a vet appt tomorrow. I'm dreading it since she is in that leggy stage. Not easily picked up anymore, and the leash still gives her permission to sit down and not budge. LOL

Re: Re: Re: Puppy Teeth

Ah those puppy days and chewing through cords - I recall one of our RB dogs in her younger days chewing though the phone cord while my wife was on the phone -talk about your disconnects!


Piranha Puppy Has a Twin

That's so funny that you call her Piranha Puppy! My 3 yr old grandson (well 4 this week) was trying to play with Sophie (or Fuz as he calls her). He said "Fuz is not a puppy, she's a piranha". So we always say "Where's our little piranha doggy" and she comes a runnin'.

Re: Puppy Teeth

I'm sitting here chuckling away to myself....having just been through all of that with, Faith. I still don't have lamps on any tables in the family room because of the electrical cords - and she just turned 8 months.

She chewed on lots of bones of various shapes, flavours and sizes - I had them all over the house and that seemed to help.

Patience, patience....and more patience.

Sandra & Faith