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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Lead in Pet-Tabs

The above article on MSNBC talks mostly about human multi-vitamins and problems that were found. Several of the brands specifically for women had lead in them; one was 5 times the recommended daily limit! Toward the end of the article is a small paragraph that says that Pet-Tabs (a multi-vitamin for dogs) are contaminated with lead.

Just wanted to warn anyone out there who may be using Pet-Tabs.


Re: Lead in Pet-Tabs

I've used them for a while...I've got a call into Pfizer for more info...too bad - they were a good multi-vitamin and were well tolerated by the system - no upset tummies!

Re: Re: Lead in Pet-Tabs

We switched a while ago to Excel multi-vitamins; we use the "TR" (time released) version. They are tolerated very well by the doggies and are half the cost of Pet Tabs.


Re: Lead in Pet-Tabs

Janet -
Do you use these (image below) looks like the "adult" formula is just about the same as pet tabs - the "senior" equal to the pet tabs plus. The calcium levels are different though - have to look at that a bit further...Which variety do you feed?

Re: Re: Lead in Pet-Tabs

We use the regular Daily Multi-vitamin. Even though Snickers is 9 1/2, the vet recommended the daily vitamin since she is still extremely active.


Re: Lead in Pet-Tabs

Thanks for the heads up!!!