Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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I miss my Golden boy

It's been since July 3 that I lost my precious, sweet Golden boy Simba and it still hurts so bad.

He was my best friend. Wherever I was, he was. We walked together, played together and when I'd sleep he'd lay right next to me.

I will never know for sure what took him. We suspect heart disease (CHF), but we are still not sure.

I pray he is at the bridge with the other Goldens who have gone too and that when my time comes he will be waiting for me.

Thanks for listening.


Re: I miss my Golden boy

They inevitably pre-decease us . . . . from the moment you get them as a puppy you know there's a bad day coming in the future . . . that's the cruel part for us.

You gave him a good life . . . that's what you need to remember. That's the pragmatic way to look at it.

But you still miss him.

Best wishes.

Rick C

Re: I miss my Golden boy

Deborah- Many of us understand your feelings. With time, it does get better. You still miss him but you can focus on all of the good times that you had together. I am sure that Simba is with you now in spirit and watches over you. He was very lucky to have such a good dog mom!

Trish and Honey

Re: Re: I miss my Golden boy

Echoing what Trish said. It will get better in time. One day you'll realize that when you think of him you get a smile on your face instead of crying, and you'll have turned the corner. He was a lucky boy to have someone who cared so deeply about him.

Re: I miss my Golden boy


I wish there was something I could say to make it better. I too lost my sweet boy in October and know all to well the pain and sadness you're going through. I can only give you a cyber hug. And yes, Simba is at the bridge playing with all the other special dogs that went before us. Must be a wonderful place with all that golden fur

Golden Hugs to you. I hope time will ease your pain.

Carol & RB Montana

Re: Re: I miss my Golden boy

Thank you EVERYONE!!

It truly helps to know you all understand.

Simba's picture is right here in front of me as I type and I wear a star pendant every day that was made in his honor/memory as he was the star of my life. His presence is always with me.

Thanks again, you are all Golden!!


Re: I miss my Golden boy

I sure know how you feel. I lost my sweet Emily in March and I miss her so. She and I are attached by something special. It's like we've known each other for eons.

I have a 9 month old pup now, she keeps her Mum busy and is a little lover.
That makes me smile and memories of my Emmie. Missing her also keeps her so close to me.

Hope you feel better but I know, it won't go away completly ever.