Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Hey Guys,

Firstly so many thanks again for all your positive Golden thoughts & prayers for Sir Gordon. It means so much!

The Vet called me and his second lump is another fatty lipoma thank goodness! We need to watch these as at some stage surgery might be required to remmove them.

Again sending lots of thanks & hugs.

Annie, VA.

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Great! so glad things turned out OK.

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Great News

Carol & RB Montana

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

That's such good news!

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

That's great news! You must be very relieved.

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Thank goodness!! I was holding my breath as I read your post!

Trish and Honey

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

I am SO glad to hear this news. I have to say, if we had all read that post at the same time, the collective sigh of relief could probably have been heard around the world.

How is the not so stray stray?

Give Sir Gordon a big hug from us... all the rest of the furry gang too.

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Sounds like good news. . . . congrats.

Rick C

Re: Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

That is great news Annie!
Take care
Debbie and all the lads

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Great News!!!

Re: Sir Gordon Fraser's Cytology report.

Thank goodness!