Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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New Doggie Neighbor

Hi Everyone,

We got a new doggie across the street, and I got to meet him yesterday! He is a black lab mix, and he is 5 years old. His name is Bruno. His new mama got him from the local shelter. She lost both of her doggies between Halloween and Christmas.

He is real nice. Mama says he has to get fixed; I am confused by that - he doesn't look like anything is broken.


Re: New Doggie Neighbor

Fixed? Cody, you made me laugh out loud!! Hope your new neighbor will become a friend.

Carol and the rescued kidz

Re: New Doggie Neighbor

Hey Cody!

Enjoy your new friend, Bruno. I have a chocolate lab as a neighbor, and her two friends too. She is fun, and sometimes she gets to come over and play in my yard. Her two friends aren't very nice, but I like CeCe. She likes to run a lot.Hopefully you and Bruno can be good buds!
