Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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She's home!!

Baby Sophie is home and doing well. She's still a little tired and is on a special diet (so she thinks she's starving) but it is so good to have her home!

I was happy that both Belle and Copper greeted her with happiness. Belle sniffed her all over and engaged her in play (or tried to) and even grumpy old Copper.. when they were out in the yard where she thought we weren't watching... she sniffed Sophie and was wagging her tail. I think they missed her :o)

Thanks again for all the support.. it means a lot when you are worrying to know others care and understand.

BTW: Still not sure what "it" was exactly!

Karen, Terry, Belle, Copper & Sophie

Re: She's home!!

Oh, good! I've been waiting to hear how Sophie is doing and how the other girls greeted her. Guess they missed the little sister, too! Please give Sophie an extra hug from the Collins Clan!

Re: Re: She's home!!

Very glad to hear she is home!
Take care
Debbie and the lads

Re: She's home!!

We are so glad to hear that the little tyke Sophie is home! We hope that she is back to her sassy self in no time.

By the way, don't worry about Sophie being too hungry. When Honey was a pup she always thought that she was starving, but she wasn't! (I even called her breeder thinking that she was truly starving...The breeder joked about her mama catching her food before it reached the dish )

There's no place like home!

Trish and Honey

Re: She's home!!

Hi Baby Sophie!!

I told the vet Saturday that I had a special friend in need of some well wishes. Sounds like it worked. But then the mean vet lady gave me a shot. I didn't like that, and snuggled up to my Mommy.

I am getting so big though. I weighed in at 13 lbs!!! 9 weeks old :)

Glad you are home!

Cookie (ok...Munchie and Twinkie too)

Hi Cookie!

Hey, I am 9 weeks too (I think) what's your birthday?

I got some shots too, they are NOT fun.

I am getting plenty of hugs and snuggles at home now.

Write again soon,
Love Sophie

Re: She's home!!

I was just checking in to see how Foster Sophie's puppy friend, Baby Sophie is doing. It sounds like all is well for Baby Sophie (and Cookie, too.)



Re: Re: She's home!!

Thanks PJ.. she's back to her chipper self tonight.. just as mouthy as ever.. chew.. chew.. chew.. on anything and everything.. a typical puppy!

Thanks for checking in on the little girl. Give Foster Sophie a hug from us (and the others too of course)