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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

My poor little baby is in the hospital! I can't believe it. And to think yesterday I was worried about her going potty in her crate.

She was not herself yesterday, more sleepy than usual and we called our vet and the e-vet just to see what they thought. Our vet said if we were really worried to bring her in right away. She seemed to perk up and was hungry, drinking, peeing, but still not pooping much. We decided to observe her and see how she did overnight.

She slept well, got up at midnight and went potty outside (not in her crate) she even pooped a little. Then she got up again at 2:15 and did the same thing and went right back to bed without complaint.

When I got up at 5AM and opened the door of her crate to take her outside, she did not come out. Normally she's out before the door is opened all the way. I took her outside and she peed but when she pooped it was full of mucus and blood. She came in and curled up by my feet and went right to sleep. We got right in the car and were at the vet's office when they opened at 6:30AM.

Tests confirm its not Parvo, but she was running a temp of 104.6 and it stayed that way all day. She's on IV fluids and IV antibiotics as well as vitimin K. I went down to see her tonight and her temp is down to 103.6 but she is still lethargic. She has a little IV in with a pink bandage (it made me cry). She is such a little baby.. this is just not fair for her.

Bottom line, they don't know what it is yet. Blood screen did not show anything, x-rays showed a large gas bubble, but no blockage.

Your Golden Thoughts and Prayers would sure be appreciated for this sweet little baby! I have only had her 10 days and I feel like a part of the family is missing. Belle and Copper keep going in and out as if they too know something is missing. (not sure if they are happy or sad to have a pesky little sister out of the way). I just had a call from the vet at 7:30 and she said she would call tomorrow morning with an update. Thanks everyone, I know the power of the Gold has worked before and I know it can again!!

Karen, Belle, Copper, & the Sick Baby Sophie

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

So sorry to hear that your baby Sophie is sick. Hopefully whatever it is, you caught it in time and that the antibiotics will do the trick. Sending golden thoughts and prayers your way.

Re: Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

I was so shocked to read your message that Baby Sophie is not feeling well right now. Sending lots of golden thoughts and prayers for your little girl! Please keep us posted.


Re: Re: Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Oh no, what a terrible thing. We are sending all our love and prayers for a speedy recovery for little Sophie.
Take care
Debbie, Toby and Chalky

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Just read your post, sending prayers. Hope she is feeling better today.

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

I am so sorry to hear about Sophie. I hope she gets better soon. Lots of prayers and golden thoughts are being sent her way from all of at Camp Bark-a-lot.


Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

We will be thinking of Sophie today and wish her well.

Rick C

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Oh my, I'm so sorry little Sophie is sick. My RB girl, Casey, once had the exact same symptoms, bloody/mucusy stool, lethagy, etc. We were on vacation in Lake Placid when she got sick. We packed up the car, drove home 6+ hours (she slept the entire time) and went straight to the vet. The vet did all kinds of tests and never found out the cause, but Casey did get better after IVs and antibiotics.

I'm sure Sophie will be OK too. Please keep us posted on her progress.

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Sending golden thoughts and prayers to poor baby Sophie. Get well soon!!

Karen and Dakota

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

We're all thinking of you and Sophie.

John, Ben, Ripley and Cooper

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Sophie is too much of a baby to go through this already. We are all saying a prayer to get her home again. Cookie is praying extra hard so that her and Sophie can compare puppy notes.

Lori, Munchie, Twinkie, and Cookie

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Hope today brought better news for baby Sophie!

Phyllis L.
Logan & Lacey the Goldens, Ralphie the Corgi

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie

Karen - We are sending Golden thoughts and keeping paws crossed for baby Sophie here in Seattle. It's amazing how perceptive Goldens are when one of their companions (whether canine or human) are not doing well.

Sadie, Hops, Sandy & Tony

Re: Golden Thoughts and Prayers needed for my Baby Sophie


I am so sorry to hear that Baby Sophie is not feeling well. She's in our prayers.

Sophie wishing you a quick recovery and hope that you will be back to the playful and frisky puppy in no time.